
This mod is for mature players. There is very limited swearing/sexual innuendo contained herein.

As said by Hlidskialfs "The Planar Sphere mini-mod is worth installing if you're playing a mage, and nicely answers the question of what you're going to do with that huge empty sphere now that you have it. However, if you didn't find the warped humor in the original Planar Sphere mod amusing, it's strongly advised against playing it now. That aspect of it has not been changed at all. If anything, it's worse. Much much worse.

After the first apprentices quest has been done you will have one last encounter with Teos (all native in the game) in which the Sphere is attacked by anti-magic fanatics. After undertaking the quest to get rid of the offenders, and reporting back to Teos, the mod begins as Teos returns some days later (seven days later). If you have already done the normal Planar Sphere quest (or even entered the Sphere) you will have to cheat. Simply type ClueConsole:CreateCreature("psTeos") within the cheatconsole, on the first level of the Planar Sphere and you can start the mod.

For those who have played PS before, as of v2.5 a fair amount of new content was added and a number of the old quests have been modified. Some of the new content is *somewhat* hard to find. To find a complete list of noteworthy changes check the very bottom of this read me, under the section entitled SPOILERS.

If you don't like spoilers but want to know what to expect:

  • There are two stores, one selling mostly spells, one selling all sorts of fun equipment.
  • There are a number of optional encounters around the city at one point in the game, it *should* be obvious when you should go wandering around, looking for weird stuff.
  • Talk to all of the people in the PS. Don't bother talking to the apprentices in the main areas though. They generally say the same stuff.
  • There is a forge that will let you make a variety of items. The forge itself is downstairs in the fire room. (Next to the ice room, there are three dwarfs walking around)



Waukeen's Promenade - Averners Odd Items A New shop. As some of you will notice, many of the items from the shop contained within the PS have been replaced. They have been moved to a NEW shop. This new shop also sells a number of other powerful items. For exorbitant prices. To find this new shop, go to the bottom left of Waukeens, on top of the Coliseum walls, AFTER killing the Demilich and BEFORE killing the final boss. Speak to the Moose. (yeah, you heard me right) Once you have entered Waukeen's Promenade, the shop will only exist for 7 days before disappearing. This is because the shop sells some very overpowered items. Thus it is only accessible IF you took the main quest and even then, not for very long.

Temple District - 'ware the Demons! A new encounter has been added in the Temple District AFTER you kill the Demilich and BEFORE you kill the final boss. This encounter can be skipped completely if you wish. This encounter contains the longest cutscene ever. (Well, maybe not, but close) And contains a large number of actors are running around at the same time. Plus it has some of my worst/best attempts at humor. I still laugh when watching the scene. Which is probably bad for the rest of you since I have a weird sense of humor. (Lemurs!) Due to the large number of actors, if you have a very low end machine, I'd advise you to skip this encounter.

Bridge District - Twins? No. Triplets? No. What's next? A new encounter has been added in the Bridge District, AFTER you kill the Demilich and BEFORE you kill the final boss. (heard that before?) This encounter can be skipped if you wish. I mainly made it to test some script options. But there is a nice reward if you finish it. Without getting swarmed and destroyed.

Planar Sphere: Upper Level Most of the original quests have been modified. The demons quest has been rewritten slightly. The Examiner mini-quest is unchanged as are the three fed-ex quests, but the Cowled Enforcer quest has been changed slightly. (To find all of these people, talk to everyone in the room where Teos spawns. The demons are in the room where the Guardian Golem spawns) Also, once you have finished the main quest, your new contact, named Belle, will appear. Talk to her. There are two quests associated with her, one has yet to be completed. And wont be completed until the next version.

Planar Sphere: Control Room A new Quest has been added here. It is started by talking to the Professor on the platform. Note: As of v2.5 this quest is not complete. Just the intro is available (talking to the Professor). The quest itself will be somewhat long and I decided if I waited to release PS until I had finished this quest, it would never be released.

Planar Sphere: Weird mushroom room off of Control Room For lack of a better name. The area reference is AR0420. This is where Inchantra is hiding if you took the Cowled Enforcer's quest.

Planar Sphere: Room with weird device off of Control Room Check back here after you have finished off the final boss, you might be surprised. :)

Planar Sphere: Hot/Cold Room where Tolgerias spawns The forge now spawns in the fire room. Along with a few dwarfs to tell you what to do.


This is a rough synopsis of how Mel's script changes for the different difficulty levels. There are a few other minor changes between difficulties that aren't listed. Also note that the higher the difficulty, the better the reward.

Melanthium's Spells:

Shield Of Oblivion - Grants immunity to ALL spells and ALL weapons for 40 seconds.

Melanthiums Rage - Think GIANT METEORS smashing you to bits. Like dinosaur extinction size meteors.

Rain of Terror - 50 damage to the target. No save, no nothing.

Easy :  

Mel can only cast timestop 3 times

He can never cast Shield of Oblivion after it is first cast

Can cast Bigbys Crushing Hand 4 times

Can cast Chain Lightning/Greater Malison/Chaos combo 4 times

Can Dispel the entire party 2 times

Can Spellstrike the entire party 2 times

Can cast Rain of Terror once

Can cast Horrid Wilting 3 times

Can cast Melanthiums Rage once

Can restore spell protections once

Can summon one dark planatar

Can cast absolute mantle/stoneskin 2 times

Unlimited cast spells are:

Fireball, Flame Arrow, Magic Missile, Acid Arrow

Reward is: 20,000 gold.

Core :  

Mel can cast timestop 4 times

Can cast Horrid Wilting 4 times

Can cast Rain of Terror once

Can summon two dark planatars

Can cast Shield of Oblivion once

Can cast Bigbys Crushing Hand 6 times

Can cast Chain Lightning/Greater Malison/Chaos combo 4 times

Can Dispel the entire party 2 times

Can Spellstrike the entire party 2 times

Can cast Melanthiums Rage once

Can restore spell protections once

Can cast absolute mantle/stoneskin 6 times

Unlimited cast spells are:

Sunfire, Fireball, Chain Lightning, Magic Missile

Some spells occur more frequently

Reward is: 25,000 gold and two Rogue Stones.

Normal :  

Mel can cast timestop 5 times

Can cast Horrid Wilting 6 times

Can cast Rain of Terror twice

Can summon two dark planatars

Can cast Shield of Oblivion twice

Can cast Bigbys Crushing Hand 8 times

Can cast Chain Lightning/Greater Malison/Chaos combo 5 times

Can Dispel the entire party 3 times

Can Spellstrike the entire party 3 times

Can cast Melanthiums Rage twice

Can restore spell protections once

Can cast absolute mantle/stoneskin/true sight 8 times

Unlimited cast spells are:

Sunfire, Finger of Death, Mordenkainens Sword, Magic Missile

Reward is: 30,000 gold, two Rogue stones and the Amulet of cheetah speed.

Hard :  

Mel can cast timestop 6 times

Can cast Horrid Wilting 7 times

Can cast Rain of Terror 3 times

Can summon 3 dark planatars

Can cast Shield of Oblivion 3 times

Can cast Bigbys Crushing Hand 8 times

Can cast Chain Lightning/Greater Malison/Chaos combo 5 times

Can Dispel the entire party 4 times

Can Spellstrike the entire party 4 times

Can cast Melanthiums Rage 3 times

Can restore spell protections twice, Shield of Oblivion is also included

Can cast absolute mantle/stoneskin/true sight 8 times

Can fully restore himself twice (once HP is less then 300)

Unlimited cast spells are:

Prismatic Spray, Finger of Death, Delayed Blast Fireball, Magic Missile

Mel also gets:

+6 bonus to AC

+10 bonus to MR

+3 bonus to casting speed

Reward is: 35,000 gold, two Rogue Stones, the Amulet of Cheetah Speed and the Gloves of Spellweaving.

Insane :  


Melanthium's Rage alone will do 150 (roughly) to any party members caught in the blast. Get the point?

Mel can cast timestop 15 times

Can cast Horrid Wilting 25 times

Can cast Rain of Terror 5 times

Can summon 8 dark planatars

Can cast Shield of Oblivion 8 times

Can cast Bigbys Crushing Hand 20 times

Can cast Chain Lightning/Greater Malison/Chaos combo 10 ti

Can Dispel the entire party an unlimited number of times

Can Spellstrike the entire party an unlimited number of ti

Can cast Melanthiums Rage 5 times

Can restore spell protections 5 times, Shield of Oblivion

Can cast absolute mantle/stoneskin/true sight 15 times

Can fully restore himself twice (once HP is less then 200)

Unlimited cast spells are:

Maze, Finger of Death, Delayed Blast Fireball, Meteor Swarm

All powerful spells are cast more frequently. He tends to have a serious love of meteor swarm. As in, "oh look, I'm being pummeled by three meteor swarms at once, how nice."

Mel also gets:

+12 bonus to AC

+20 bonus to MR

+6 bonus to casting speed

Reward is: 50,000 gold, two Rogue Stones, the Amulet of Cheetah Speed, Gloves of Spellweaving and the Staff of Sorcery.


39 new spells :  

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Spell Name: Vorpal Bolt

Spell Desc: Vorpal Bolt:


Level: 5

Casting Time: 6

Range: Sight of Caster

Saving Throw: Neg

With this powerful spell the mage calls forth material from the ethereal plane of existence and shapes it into a spear of magical energy. At the culmination of the spell this magical bolt ripples forth from the mages hands and strikes one opponent of his choosing. The bolt is near infinitely sharp and cuts easily through flesh and bone as such when the bolt strikes a target there is a good chance that it will instantly slay the target and if it does not it is still capable of passing right through the targets body doing massive damage.


The vorpal bolt deals 6d8 points of piercing damage to the target. There is also a 25% chance that the bolt will instantly slay the target a save versus death is allowed.

- 02/Spps21.spl

Spell Name: Killimer's Power Nullification

Spell Desc: Killimer's Power Nullification:


Level: 7

Casting time: 11

Duration: 3 turns

Saving throw: Neg

Killimer was your average adventuring mage, he was not particularly powerful and spent his life in adventuring bands battling the undead and any manner of evil foe you care to name. After 4 years with the same band of adventurers he had become close to his companions in arms and they to him. One day the mage and his companions were beset by a group of powerful spell casters who had gained control of a local town and were dominating all the trading routes. Killimers companions were helpless against the combined attack of so many magic users two were destroyed by magical fire and a third was turned into a small amphibian. Killimer out of spells called out a desperate pray to mystra goddess of magic for aid. The lady hearing his call granted him this spell and its words blazed across his mind like fire, as he incanted it the magic in the area began to wax and wane, the opposing magi found it nigh immpossible to weave their spells giving killimers companions the oppurtunity they needed to hack the spell casters to pieces.


For the duration of the spell all magic is slowed and distorted and all spell casting speeds are increased by 5 for enemy mages, any enemy mages can save versus spells to avoid this effect but they do so at


Spell Name: Berriliums Brilliant Bouquet

Spell Desc: Berriliums Brilliant Bouquet


Level 5

Casting time:4

Berrilium was a street magician in the city of Water Deep. He possesed absolutely no magical ability and would preform slight of hand tricks to amuse the crowds. However he was a gambling man and also a very unlucky. One day his debtors, in the form of several very large muggers, came to collect. It is unknown exactly why Berrilium chose that moment to pull a bunch of paper flowers from his sleeve but it is belived that his fear in a last act of desperation enfused the paper flowers with magic turning them into blinding balls of magic light. The muggers were blinded by the brilliant light allowing berrilium the time he needed to escape.

This spell creates a brilliant bouquet of shining magical flowers that sprouts from the casters body.


All in area of effect must save versus spell at -2 or be blinded for 2 turns. Even if they resist this effect they are stuned for 2 rounds by the sheer beauty of the flowers.


Spell Name: Aura of Power

Spell Desc: Aura of Power


Level: 2

Range: Area

Duration: 12 hours

Casting Time: 20

Area of Effect: Current Area

Saving Throw: None

This spell is often employed by liches and powerful Evil Archmagi. It creates a sense of evil magic perforating the entire area making any creature within it feel they are being watched and making the hairs on the back of their necks stand up. While only really for dramatic effect it does have some small effect on beings.


All in area recieve a -1 penalty to their saves versus spells. There is a small chance that some beings may be totally terified by this spell and must save versus spell or run in horror but they do so with a save of +6.

The casting mage recieves +1 luck while the spell is in effect.

This spell will only work once on a creature.


Spell Name: Iridium Sphere

Spell Desc: Iridium Sphere


Level: 5

Range: 30 yards

Duration: special

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: One creature

Saving Throw: Special

As the mage completes the incantation of this spell a ball of what appears to be flowing quicksilver appears before them.

With a wave the mage can send this sphere flying towards one target. When the sphere hits it appears to be totally absorbed into the target. The sphere also affects any metal on the target magnetising it and making very attractive to other metals.


10-20 magical damage +3/3 levels.

The target must save versus spell at -2 or become magnatised.

If magnatised the target suffers -1 to dexterity a -2 to Ac and -8 to Ac versus missile weapons.


Spell Name: Keltons Kinetic Knives

Spell Desc: Keltons Kinetic Knives


Level: 4

Range: visual range.

Duration: 1 hour

Casting Time: 9 round

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None

With this spell the mage brings into being shimmering blades of magical force. The blades whirl around and when they strike a enemy explode in a small burst of magic. The knives can be controlled individually by the mage and will remain for 1 hour before evaporating. Once they strike a opponent they vanish forever.


Each knife deals 5-10 magical damage. They act as +3 weapons and stun the target for a short period if a save is failed at +2.

The mage recieves one knife every five levels up to a maximum of 8 at 37th level. The knives are not harmed by physical or magical attacks but may be destroyed by a dispel magic spell.


Spell Name: Nightmare Syndrome

Spell Desc: Nightmare Syndrome


Level: 8

Range: 15 feet

Duration: 1/2 hour

Casting Time: 15 round

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None

Darkness seems to suround the mage as he casts this spell and a chill creeps into the air. As the final words of the ritual are said a planar nexus opens to the Demi-Plane of Fear and calls forth a terrible being. The nightmare a wraith like creature that assumes the form of its victim worst fear and attacks causing many to flee in fear.


Calls forth a nightmare to serve the caster for half an hour.


Spell Name: Storm Force

Spell Desc: Storm Force


Level: 7

Range: Self

Duration: 2 turns

Casting Time: 10 round

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None

With this spell the wizard calls forth the elements, a ball of twisting electrical clouds appears before him and at the culmination of the spell he unleases them into the heavens. Moments later a storm of incredible power begins, the sky turns dark and thunder rumbles everywhere , huge bolts of unnatural lightning stike down onto the casters enemies dealing massive damage.


Spell Name: Miasma

Spell Desc: Miasma


Level: 7

Range: 10 yards

Duration: 1 turn

Casting Time: 7

Area of Effect: 30' radius

Saving Throw: None

When the final word of this spell is uttered the ground beneath the target bubbles and cracks and foul noxious vapours billow forth into a huge seething cloud. The gas of the cloud reeks of death and decay all within it are sicked and feel very weak. The vapours are also highly toxic and slowly poison anyone breathing them in. The vapours sting and burn the eyes as well making visibilty in the fog incredibly diffcult.


Each round everyone in the cloud will take 3d8 of poison damage with no save. While they remain in the cloud they are nauseated and slowed and each round they must save versus spell or be blinded for one round.


Spell Name: Wave of Obliteration

Spell Desc: Wave of Obliteration:


Level: 9

Range: 30ft

Duration: Permanent

Casting Time: 8

This is a amazing find and for the adventuring mage and one of extreme use. The wave of obliteration spell was last seen being used around 100 years ago. Two nobles of Tethry were fighting over their fathers castle as his will had left its ownership in debate. As so often is the case in contentious circumstances the two nobles were both powerful archmages both having been tutored by their father in the art. This spell was apparently a family heir lomb and a source of great jealousy from other magical households. Needless to say the two nobles desided that the only answer was for a duel. The results were unpleasant to say the least, afterwards it was deduced from the rubble that both magi had released this spell simultaneously, the effects indeed show the power of this spell. One half of the castle was discovered several years later in pond several miles away although the servants were never found....the mages were both buried in very small coffins.

When the mage completes his incantation of this spell he raises his hands and pushes his palms away from himself. From his hands a wall of pure uncontrolled magical energy bursts, The magic explodes forth taking every thing in its path with it. Any creature caught within this energy wave will take massive damage from the energies involved and must save versus spell or be literally obliterated by the sheer power of this spell.


All creatures in the path of the spell will take 10d5+20 points of magical damage with no save. They must then save versus spell at -2 or be vapourised by the spell


Spell Name: Sphere of Dissipation

Spell Desc: Sphere of Dissipation

Level 8


Casting Time: 9

Duration: 15 rounds

This immensly powerful spell is shrouded in mystery (proably because only 4 copies of it have ever been discovered). Its abilities are truely immpressive making it possibly the most powerful protective spell availble to the mage however no one knows where the spell originated from, although some sages believe it was created in the days of Myth Drannor. When the final word of the spell is spoken a globe of twisting magical energies springs up around the caster. The magical globe absorbs all energy that strikes it dissipating it into nothingness. The energy that can be absorbed can be either physical or magical in origin and is completly nullified by the sphere. The intensity of energy that the sphere can absorb relies soley on the ability of the mage who cast the spell and as the mage increases in power so does the spell.

At 16th level the spell protects from 1st to 3rd level spells and protects from non magical weapons.

At 18th level the sphere protects from 1st to 4th level spells and still protects from normal weapons but grants 25% resistance to all physical attacks.

At 20th level the sphere protects from 1st to 5th level spells and grants immunity to normal and +1 weapons

At 25th level the sphere protects from 1st to 6th level spells, gives immunity to normal and +1 weapons and gives 25% resistance to all physical attacks.

At 30th level the sphere protects from 1st to 7th level spells and gives immunity to normal, +1 and +2 weapons.

The sphere cannot be used in conjuction with other weapon immunity spells.


Spell Name: Shadricks Shattering Arrow

Spell Desc: Shadricks Shattering Arrow

Level 2

Casting Time:5/4

Range: 100ft


Many a powerful mage has looked down their nose at this spell when they were but magelings only to stare in terror as it flew towards them later in life. At very low levels this spell is quite frankly pathetic however as the mage advances so the power of the spell increases. The spell creates a magical arrow of solidified power that flies from the casters hand to strike his selected target.


At levels 1-10 the arrow does 1d 8 piercing damage with no save and 2 magic damage save versus spell.

At levels 10-20 the arrow does 2d6 of piercing damage and 2 damage from each element no saving throw.

At levels 20-35 the arrow does 2d8 of piercing damage no save it also does 10d4 +5 magic damage save versus spell for half. The target must also save versus death at -2 or be stunned for 2 rounds. The spells casting time is decreased by 1.

At levels 35 and above the arrow becomes a shining flash of magic. It inflicts 75 points of magical damage save versus spell for half. The target must also save versus death at +1 or be killed if they survive this they are automatically stunned for 3 rounds.


Spell Name: Black-Barbed Curse

Spell Desc: Black-Barbed Curse:

Level 4


The night hags were powerful nere godlike witches who roamed the planes many years ago. Although most of their exploits are unknown one night hag is documented particulary well. Ravel Puzzelwell possibly the the most powerful of the nighthags and famous enemy of the Lady of pain. It is believed that ravel some how tried to break the ladys link with the city of sigil her motives for this are unknown but none the less the ladys rage was great and ravel was flung into a demi-plane of existence, one of the ladies mazes. Ravel rotted in her planer cage for many years all the while her hatred and saddness formed around her in the shape of huge black barbed vines. When Ravel was somehow killed this spell found its way out into the planes. It calls forth the huge black barbed vines of ravels maze causing them to rip out of the ground raking and cutting at the casters enemies.


Range: 30

Casting Time:4

Damage: 4d 6 of piercing damage Save. versus spell

3d 6 of piercing damage with no save.


Spell Name: Unthinkable Logic

Spell Desc: Unthinkable Logic:

Level 6

Range: 50


Casting time: 6

This mathematical spell calls forth material from the plane of Mechanus a demi-plane of Primus. This spell enfuses space around the caster with the utter logic of the plane of Mechanus. The spell reveals to all non primus beings for a brief instant the Intrinsically logical nature of reality most beings are totally unable to cope with this revelation and they are thrown into confusion and chaos as their brains try to comprehend what they have seen Creatures with particularly unevolved brains may even be instantly slain by this spell as their brains are destroyed in the attempt to understand.


Save versus spell at -3 or be confused and blinded for 1 turn.

Target will loose 2 points of intelligence and wisdom for 6 hours with no save.

Save versus spell at -2 50% chance that the

target will miscast magic for 1 turn.


Spell Name: Triple Fireball Blast

Spell Desc: Triple Fireball Blast(Evocation)

Level: 7

Range: Visual range of caster

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 7

Area of Effect: 30-foot radius x3

Saving Throw: 1/2

A fireball is an explosive burst of flame, which detonates with a low roar and delivers damage proportional to the level of the wizard who cast it - 1d6 points of damage for each level of experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6). The wizard points his finger and speaks the range (distance and height) at which the fireball is to burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball (an early impact results in an early detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws each suffer full damage from the blast. Those who roll successful saving throws manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half. This is a more powerful version of the fireball spell, when the final word of the invocation is uttered three roaring balls of flame fly forth to strike 3 respective targets.


Spell Name: Infernal Combustion Enigma

Spell Desc: Infernal Combustion Enigma

Level: 7

Range: Visual range of caster

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 6

Area of Effect: 30-foot radius

The Infernal Combustion Enigma is a truely devastating spell although where it gets is power remains a enigma. When cast a sphere of magical fire explodes forth from the mages hand and rushes towards his desired target. When the ball of magic strikes the target it explodes. When it explodes a huge wall of magical flame erupts around the target, the very air is turned into searing flames and almost nothing is capable of withstanding the intensity of the resulting heat. Mages should be careful when using this spell as it can desimate both party and oppostion.


The wall of flame does 10d5 of fire damage to all within the area of effect. It then deals a further 10d2 of magic damage although this can be negated if the target saves versus spell at -1.


Spell Name: Soul Cage

Spell Desc: Soul Cage


Level: 8

Casting Time: 1 turn


A terrible spell to call upon indeed, this spell is considered so horrible that many magical societies have out lawed it ( the research into this spell is believed to be one reason the red wizards of thay split from the haluraans). When completed the soul of the target is surrounded by a cage of crackling energy that slowly shrinks pulling the soul of the victim into another plane where it is destroyed ( prehaps an anti-matter plane, or the negative energy plane). The death is exceeding horrible as the soul is literally torn free from the body, destroying both body and soul in the process. The victim is allowed a save a -4 to avoid having their soul destroyed even if they save versus the spell they still take

10-20 damage and will be nauseated for a short time.


Spell Name: Karsus's Crimson Falmes

Spell Desc: Karsus's Crimson Falmes

Range: Visual Range

Duration: 4 rounds

Casting Time: 8

Area of Effect: One Creature

Saving Throw: None

Karsus prehaps the most powerful of archmages to come to power in ancient nethril, and one of the most foolish for he attempted to sieze godhood through his magic and failed being punished with an eternity of torment. Karsus's spells are renowned for their power and this is no exception, being one of his most potent death magics.

When cast the target is surrounded by a aura of magical crimson falmes that literally burn the life of the target away. The falmes last for 4 rounds and each round the target must save at -1 or be instantly killed ( each round a diiferent save is used death,spell,breath etc). Even if the target resists the death magic they are overcome with fear at being surrounded with the flames and will run in fear till the falmes extinguish. While a target is surrounded by the flames their regeneration (if any) will cease and they will be immune to all healing magics.


Spell Name: Create Minion

Spell Desc: Create Minion:


Level 9

Casting time: 3 rounds

Range: Visual sight of caster

Normally to conjure monsters or undead on a permanent basis requires much preparation and many rituals, this spell however being as powerful as it is allows the mage to summon forth a minion permanently in one easy spell. The spell allows the caster to choose which type of monster to summon even undead can be summoned, there is no limit to the number of creatures that can be summond so a patient mage can easily go about creating a army.


Spell Name: Nagaths Polarised Pyrotechnics

Spell Desc: Nagaths Planar Pyrotechnics

Level: 9

Range: Visual range of caster

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 3 rounds

Area of Effect: Huge!

Saving Throw: 1/2

This is the final spell of the arch lich Nagath. He spent many hundreds of years journeying the multiverse, on his final trip it is believed that he crossed paths with an over god (much like lord Ao) on the astral plane, needless to say the proud archlich challenged the over god. The arch lich could not have won but as the god banished him to a plane of eternal fire the archlich screamed forth this terrible spell. The god was unharmed but a shock wave of tectonic violence ran through the astral plane killing many of its inhabitants. When invoked this spell conjuers material from upward of 10 different planes spewing forth a maelstrom of incredible volence. The main power of this spell lies in that it draws its energy from its targets and the more beings the greater the power of the spell and the greater its area of effect. For each being the area of effect 2d10 of damage is done with no save and 1d10 damage is done although this can be avoided with a save vs spells at -2. So fantastic is the is the sheer power of the spell that all in side the area of effect (if they survive) will be confused for the next 5 rounds.


Spell Name: Thunder Bolt

Spell Desc: Thunder Bolt (Evocation)

Level: 8

Range: 150 yards

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 8

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: none

In some circles of Archmages it is considered rather pathetic to cast a lightning bolt like a weak little mage. So the thunder bolt was developed. while looking to all intensive purposes like a lightning bolt it is however charged a great deal more and capable of doing vast amounts of damage to anything it stikes. Like the lightning bolt the thunder bolt can rebound hence its mass destructive capabilites may also affect the party but there is no doubt an archmage with this spell can level nearly anything that opposes him.


The thunder bolt shoots forth and deals 10d8 electrical damage to the target although a save can be made versus spell at -2 to only receive 3/4 of the damage. So power is the Thunder bolt that it is also capable of blowing a enemy off their feet and knocking them unconcious.


Spell Name: Power Word, Burn

Spell Desc: Power Word,Burn


Level: 9

Range: Visual sight of caster

Duration: Instant

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: None

Prehaps the most unpleasant or prehaps the most satisfying word of power is the power word of burning. Apparently created by a pyromanical mage in the planar city of sigil called ignus. When uttered the mage points his finger at the target, it is that targets unlucky day for this spell is immensly powerful. As the spell takes hold reality around the target ripples and changes opening a direct portal to the elemental plane of fire. So powerful is this spell that for a instant the target really is on the elemental plane of fire and unless they are resistant to fire or from the elemental of fire there is a good chance they will be vapourised into a cloud of ash by the heat this spell creates.


Target will instantly take 40 points of fire damage with no save. They must then make a save versus death at

-2 or be vapourised instantly by the heat from the elemental plane of fire.


Spell Name: Abyssal Fury

Spell Desc: Abyssal Fury

Range: 50 feet

Duration: Instant

Speed: 9

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: see below

When compared to the Tanar'ri, at least the Baatezu are more civilized. There is, perhaps, nothing more horrific than the unbounded fury of Abyss. By use of this spell, the ground shall split open and the victim dragged into the Tanar'rian Madness. Welcome to Hell.

This spell opens a planar portal beneath a specified victim and drags them down into the Abyss. The portal remains open even after the victim is swallowed in. The only sound bystanders hear is the incessant screaming of the victim as he/she is torn apart by the ruthless Tanar'ri. After what seems like only a few seconds (which is more than an eternity for the victim in the Abyss), the victim (or what's left of him) gets spat back out of the portal.

(1) If the victim makes a successful saving throw, he will get spat out of the portal in 'one piece,' but while the victim sensed nothing at first, after a split-second, all the Wrath of the Tanar'ri will surface. The victim will suffer 10d8 pts. of damage as he suffers multiple 'delayed' attacks and slashes from all angles.

(2) If the victim fails the saving throw, it is instant death. All that is left are body parts.


Spell Name: Ajundurar's Ice Shard

Spell Desc: Ajundurar's Ice Shard


Level: 4

Range: Visual range of caster

Duration: Instant

Casting Time: 2

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None

Ajundurar's Ice Shard, a extremely useful spell often employed by powerful mages due to its comparitively short casting time. When the mage completes the incantation his hand bursts briefly into cold blue light and then a magical shard of freezing ice flies toward the target, inflicting cold damage upon them.


The shard of ice inflicts 4d6 of cold damage on the target with no save plus 1d6 of cold damage where a save versus spells is allowed.


Spell Name: Melt

Spell Desc: Melt

Level: 7

Range: Visual sight of caster

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 8

Area of Effect: Target Creature

Saving Throw: Save versus polymorph at -1.

This spell alters the make up of the target creatures body. The molecules the creaturte is composed of begin to deform and slide over each other. The target begins to deform and distort, in other words they melt into a sticky puddle of slime on the floor.

However the target is not killed even in this gelatinous state they still have some control although due to the fact that they are a puddle of slime their ability to attack is greatly decreased.


Spell Name: Recemons Wonderful Rejuvination

Spell Desc: Recemons Wonderful Rejuvination


Level: 8

Range: 20 feet

Duration: Permanent

Casting Time: 5

One Creature

Saving Throw: None

As much as mages hate to admit it priests have their uses and their is no denying their power especially in the art of healing. This spell however allows wizards to hold their own. It creates powerful magic that will completely heal a target and remove all ill effects. As such it is a incredibly useful spell to a adventuring wizard.


Spell Name: Azuths Rune of Utter Negativity

Spell Desc: Azuths Rune of Utter Negativity


Level: 9

Range: Visual sight of caster

Duration: 30 rounds

Casting Time: 15

Area of Effect: Target creature

Saving Throw: None

Azuth the lord of spells, was once a powerful mortal archmage until he assended unto godhood. Shortly before he became a god it is believed he forged this spell, prehaps his crowning acheivement, even more so then imortality. However soon after his acension this spell was apparently destroyed by Mystra, for its power was to be feared even by the gods. This spell takes a mage a great deal of time to cast, however when it is finally unleased nothing may withstand it. For a single instant it surrounds the target with total nothingness, this nothingness drains magic from the target, severely weakening them. It is prehaps the only way a mage can battle a god for only a spell such as this can make a god vunerable to a mages magic.


This spell wipes away magical resistances when cast all of the targets resistances will be lowered by 100% all physical and magical protections surronding the caster will also be removed as well as the targets immunity to magic. Any creature may be killed after being affected by this spell.


Spell Name: Requiem of Elysium

Spell Desc: Requiem of Elysium


Level: 9

Range: 100

Casting Time: 10

Area of Effect: Visual Range of Caster

Saving Throw: Neg

The mage raises their hands to the heavens and creates a portal of the upper planes of elysium. The righteous enery of the archons, greater deva and solars, the inhabitants of this plane, rush forth in a tidal wave of magical energy. The fires of elysium clense evil and destroy darkness, this is a powerful spell.


50-90 Fire and magic damage.

All in area of affect must save versus spell at -4 or be blinded and deafened for 1 turn.

Creatures of Darkness such as undead and shadows must save versus death at -2 or be instantly destroyed.


Spell Name: Tyndals Spacial Compressor

Spell Desc: Tyndals Spacial Compressor:

Level 2:


Casting Time: 1

To cast this spell the mage simply snaps their fingers. A audible in rush of air occurs and the mage vanishes. In actuality the mage has teleported away. However the mage has no control over where they teleport and may well be teleported in front of a yet more powerful enemy. A useful Cantrip none the less.


Random Teleport


Spell Name: Tyndals Temporal Compressor

Spell Desc: Tyndals Temporal Compressor:

Level 7


Duration: 1 Turn


Casting time: 8

A effective intra-combat spell for the adventuring mage. When cast reality is seen to warp and twist around the caster and he visibly fades out of existence. In actuality the caster is displaced slightly from the normal stream of time. The effect of this temporal displacement is to make the mage harder to affect from normal reality. Weapons seem not to be able to connect with the mage and any none magical weapon is incapale of affecting the mage. Because the mage no longer exists in the normal flow of events while under the effects of this spell no aging can take place, also speed altering spells and spells that imprision or maze are useless against the mage. From the mages view the world appears to be moving exceedingly slowly but to others the mage moves extremely quickly becoming a deadly foe.


Immunity to non-magical weapons.

40% resistance to all forms of physical attack.

+2 to all saving throws

+2 Armour class

Immunity to speed altering, imprisonment and maze spells.


Spell Name: Eviseration

Spell Desc: Eviseration


Level: 8

Range: 50 yards

Duration: Instantaneous

Casting Time: 5

Area of Effect: One target

Saving Throw: Special

When cast this powerful spell allows the wizard to reach out and remove part of or all of an internal organ from a living being. One of the following organs will be affected although the wizard cannot control which one. The target will always save versus spell at -2. Even if one these does not occur the target will take between 20-50 damage from the effect of the spell.

The organs that are affect are as follows.

The heart: the target will be instantly slain

The liver: The target will reiceive 50 points of poison damage.

The brain: The target will be permanently feebleminded and unable to cast spells.

The stomach: The target will reiceive 45 points of acid damage.

The eye: The target will be permanently blinded.

The lungs: The target will collapse into unconsiousness for a time and then be slowed.


Spell Name: Melectar's Spell Regeneration

Spell Desc: Melectar's Spell Regeneration


Level: 8

Casting Time: 15

Range: Caster

Duration: 5 turns

Saving Throw: NA

A particular mage who long frequented the waterdeep region of the realms was a keen fan of magical dueling. In this dangerous sport magical items were bet and two mages would duel till one submitted, the winner taking the items. The mages name was Belfarst, he created a winning stratagee where by he would estimate his opponents ability and then count the number of spells they had cast so that he always had spells when his opponent was out. This method of dueling however failed him when he encountered Melectar. Melectar had long researched what powers allowed a mage to memorise spells. This enchantment was his result, it allowed him to rememorise spells after he had cast them. Although the casting was very difficult Melectar managed to cast it before the duel. Belfarst was horrified to discover that when he still had only a few magic missile spells left, Melectar was till tossing chain lightning. Melectar won, acidentally killing Belfarst with a disintergrate spell. This spell is his legacy to magic though its uses strech far beyond dueling. This spell rememorises one wizard spell of 6th level or lower every turn for the duration of spell. Due to the energies involved there is a small chance that the spell will cause 5d10 damage upon casting, the spell regeneration will still occur though.


Spell Name: Summon Helmed Horror

Spell Desc: Summon Helmed Horror:


Casting Time: 4

Range: Caster

Duration: 2 hours

The mage Degrodel was one of the more unpleasant charcters you met on your journies in Baldurs gate. He apparently was obsessed with the items of Balduran the great explorer. He believed that Dradeel Baldurans personal mage had hidden parts of the secret of a great spell in each of Balduran's items. Unfortunatley you killed him before he could complete his research. This spell was one his favourites allowing him to summon 1-3 helmed horrors to his service. The horrors will serve the caster without question for 2 hours and then vanish.


Spell Name: Blood to Acid

Spell Desc: Blood to Acid


Level: 6

Range: 0

Duration: 20 rounds

Casting Time: 8

Area of Effect: The Caster

Saving Throw: None

When cast the mages blood bubbles and warps turning into a highly concentrated acid. Strangely enough this has no adverse effect on the caster. It does however prove a powerful deterant to attack. When a successful attack is made the casters blood sprays onto the attacker. The blood now being highly acidic burns and scars the attacker eating into their flesh. While also hurting the attackers the acid in the blood burns away all poisons that might effect the caster.


Every attack made against the caster does 2d8+3 acid damage to the attacker.

Immunity to Poison

100% resistance to acid.


Spell Name: Dance Macabre

Spell Desc: Dance Macabre


Level: 9

Casting Time: 8

Range: Visual Range

Saving Throw: Neg

This spell is generally accompanied by a wave of evil laughter. Apparently this spell was created by a fairy godmother (who as everyone knows are generally pretty strange people) gone mad. The kitchen maid had of course just married the prince. The fairy godmother was casting a spell to allow them to dance in mid air surrounded by music and magical lights. However during the casting, for absolutely no apparent reason the fairy godmother went completely and utterly insane. The spell reflected this sudden change of mental state and the bodies of the maid and prince withered into decayed corpses dancing for all eternity (funelly enough no one really seemed to mind since the marriage was only so the king could fufil a clause in a will allowing him to collect a vast inheritance). Never the less despite the stressful circumstances the court mage managed to copy down the spell as the fairy godmother screamed it. Luckily he had the forsight to copy it onto a fire proof scroll. This was luckily because several seconds later the fairy godmother turned herself into a small purple atomic pumpkin. Several years later when the castle ruins had ceased to glow mauve, an adventuring mage found the scroll and the spell has propigated from that time forth. This spell causes the targets body to decay into rotting corpse that spasams and jerks as it dances to some obscene infernal music. The target can save versus death at -3 otherwise it will dance forever or until slain. Even if they resist the effect of spell they are still cursed with bad luck for 6 hours.


Spell Name: Mordenkainen's Forceful Hammer

Spell Desc: Mordenkainen's Forceful Hammer (Evocation)

Level: 8

Range: 0

Duration: 30 rounds

Casting Time: 9

Area of Effect: Special

Saving Throw: None

This powerful spell causes space to fold and distort forming into the shape of a large magical hammer. The hammer glistens with power and is magically animated. The hammer is totally under control of the caster and will obey every command given to it. The hammer acts as a +5 weapon and does 2d4 +5 of crushing damage with each hit +3 magic damage. With each hit there is also a small chance that the target will be stunned and knocked unconscious.


Spell Name: Otiluke's Bouncy Bubbles

Spell Desc: Otiluke's Bouncy Bubbles


Level: 7

Range: Visual Range

Duration: 2 Rounds

Casting Time: 6

Area of Effect: 3 target creatures

Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell allows the caster to create 3 bubbles of magical force around any 3 creatures they wish to protect. The bubbles are rubbery and semi-solid. Weapons striking the bubbles are slowed and hence can only do minimal damage. Non- Magical weapons are totally unable to penatrate the bubble. Only one bubble may be cast on a creature any more then this and the spell becomes ineffective.


+3 to Armour Class

+40% resistance to all physical damage.

+90% to all missile damage.

Immunity to non-magical weapons


Spell Name: Otiluke's Intangible Filter

Spell Desc: Otiluke's Intangible Filter


Level: 3

Range: 0

Duration: 3 Rounds

Casting Time: 1

Area of Effect: Caster

Saving Throw: Neg.

One of Otiluke's most specialised protection spells. This spell surrounds the caster with a magical aura that filters out all gaseous toxins that the spell deems harmful to the caster. While within the aura all spells that create poisonous clouds will have no effect on the caster. This spell protects from but is not limited to. Stinking cloud, Cloudkill, Death fog, Incendary Cloud and Miasma. This spell will not work on the plane of limbo and unfortunately does not protect from breath weapons such as dragons breath, or polyhydra breath.


Spell Name: Tereledra's Pocket Army

Spell Desc: Tereledra's Pocket Army


Level: 8

Casting Time : 12

Range: Caster

Saving Throw: Neg.

Tereledra was a powerful archmage who resided on the plane of dust, a plane that sucks the life out of its inhabitants. Tereledra had long travelled the planes and had built up many enemies especially in the anarchist faction of sigil. After being attacked by a group of anarchist wild mages he decided to give it all up, change his name and vanish. For many years he journeyed the inner planes free of his old foes. He joined with a well respected group of mercenaries and travelled with them long, eventually he confieded in them his old and secret identity, feeling he could trust them. Little had he bargined on the size of the anarcists reward for his head. The mercenary group turned on him. They underestimated his power and Tereledra in a fit of rage slew them all consigning their souls to a pocket plane to serve him for all eternity. This spell their only gateway to the rest of the planes. It is believed that Tereledra was later slain when one of the wraith company was resurected by a simpathetic priest, the freed wraith killed Tereledra in a single stroke. This spell will call forth 5 to 10 wraiths of Tereledra's old mercenary group. The wraiths will serve the caster for 2 hours before returning to their pocket plane. The wraiths are fighters of between 7th and 10th level carrying +1 equipment. The wraiths will serve the caster without question but cannot communicate with anything else. The wraiths will also serve Tereledra before any other so they are incapable of fighting him or in any way inconviniencing him.

Planarspheremod > OverviewBACK TO TOP


Baldur's Gate II : ToB

Baldur's Gate Trilogy

Baldur's Gate II : Enhanced Edition

Enhanced Edition Trilogy

The Planar Sphere Mod is designed to work on Infinity Engine games. This includes:

  • Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (BG2EE) published by Beamdog
  • The original Baldur's Gate II (BG2, or just SoA), with or without the Throne of Bhaal (ToB) expansion. Make sure you have Throne of Bhaal updated to version 26498. Use patch file for your game language, check the ReadMe files related to your patch in your game folder if necessary.
  • The conversion projects based on ToB, Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT) and Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET).

Other Mods Compatibility

This mod is a WeiDU mod, and therefore should be compatible with all WeiDU mods.

Though we are striving to make Planarspheremod compatible with as many other mods as possible, there is always a chance that incompatibilities will arise.

If you encounter any bugs, please report them on the forum!

Installation Order

If you play on vanilla game BG2 / BGT, although it is not required for Planarspheremod to function properly, you are strongly recommended to also download and install the BG2 Fixpack before proceeding with the installation of this mod.

  • If you play with EET, please install the PlanarSphere mod AFTER EET.
  • If you play with EET, please install the PlanarSphere mod BEFORE EET_End.
  • This mod is a quest mod, please install it along with other quests mods.

Planarspheremod > CompatibilityBACK TO TOP



If you've previously installed the mod, remove it before extracting the new version. To do this, run  setup-planarspheremod.exe , un-install all previously installed components and delete the 📁 Planarspheremod folder.

When installing or un-installing, do not close the Console window by clicking on the X button! Instead, press the Enter key whenever instructed to do so.

Disable any antivirus or other memory-resident software before installing this or any other mod. Some (particularly Avast and Norton!) have a tendency to report false positives with mod activity, resulting in failed installs.

Extract files from the archive using build-in "Right-click>Extract all..." Explorer fearure, 7zip, WinRAR, ZipGenius, or another file compression utility that handles .zip files.

Special Note for Siege of Dragonspear from Steam/GOG

Good Old Games (GOG) and Steam both package the additional content for Siege of Dragonspear in a method that WeiDU, the tool used to install this mod, cannot access. You must run a program called DLC Merger on your SoD installation before you can install this or any other WeiDU-based mod.

Enhanced Editions Note

The Enhanced Editions are actively supported games. Please note that every patch update will wipe your current mod setup! If in the middle of a modded game you might want to delay the patch update (if possible) as even after reinstalling the mods, you might not be able to continue with your old savegames. Alternatively, copy the whole game's folder into a new one that can be modded and will stay untouched by game patches. It is important that you install the mod to the language version you are playing the game in. Otherwise, the dialogues of the mod will not show but give error messages.


Planarspheremod for Windows is distributed as an extractable compressed archive and includes a WeiDU installer.

Extract the contents of the mod to the folder of the game you wish to modify (the folder which contains the "CHITIN.KEY" file). On successful extraction, there should be a 📁 Planarspheremod folder and a setup-planarspheremod.exe file in your game folder. To install, simply double-click  setup-planarspheremod.exe  and follow the instructions on screen.

Run  setup-planarspheremod.exe  in your game folder to reinstall, un-install or otherwise change components.

Mac OS X

Planarspheremod for Mac OS X is distributed in the same compressed archive and includes a WeiDU installer.

First, extract the files of the archive into your game directory. On successful extraction, there should be a 📁 Planarspheremod folder, setup-planarspheremod and setup-planarspheremod.command files in your game folder. To install, double-click  setup-planarspheremod.command  and follow the instructions on screen.

You can run  setup-planarspheremod.command  in your game folder to reinstall, un-install or otherwise the components settings.


Planarspheremod for Linux is distributed in the same compressed archive and does not includesa WeiDU installer.

Extract the contents of the mod to the folder of the game you wish to modify.

Download the latest Linux version of WeiDU and copy weidu, weinstall and tolower to /usr/bin. Then open a terminal and  cd  to your game installation directory.

Optional: run 'tolower' and answer 'Y' to both queries. You can avoid running the second option (linux.ini) if you've already ran it once in the same directory. To save time, the archive is already tolowered, so there's no need to run the first option (lowercasing file names) either, if you've extracted only this mod since the last time you lowercased file names. If unsure, running tolower and choosing both options is the safe bet.

Run  weinstall setup-planarspheremod  in your game folder to install the mod. Then run  wine bgmain.exe  (or  wine baldur.exe  for EE games), and start playing.

Note for Complete Un-installation

In addition to the methods above for removing individual components, you can completely un-install the mod using  setup-planarspheremod --uninstall  at the command line to remove all components without wading through prompts.

Planarspheremod > InstallationBACK TO TOP


The installer includes the following components. The number of each is the component DESIGNATED number which gives it a fixed install position, lets other components and mods detect it and allows automated installers to specify component choices.

All subcomponents require the main component, others components are optional.

[0] Planar Sphere (main component)

Extends the mage's stronghold significantly.

[623] Planar Sphere Store

Vortel a rakshasa will be available in the sphere as soon as the mod begins.

[624] Waukeen's Promenade Store

Averners Odd Items, an original merchant will be available from a certain point and for a limited time (see GÉNÉRAL SPOILER for more details).

[625] Planar Sphere Return

Allows you to teleport inside the sphere from anywhere and to return to your starting point. (Independent from other components)

Planarspheremod > ComponentsBACK TO TOP


Demons !



Planarspheremod > ScreenshotsBACK TO TOP


Author: Author
WeiDU coding: coder1, revised by coder2
Support: maintainer

For support or questions, please visit the mod forum.

Special Acknowledgements to:

Programs/tools used in creation:


Planarspheremod is not developed, supported, or endorsed by BioWare™ or Interplay/BlackIsle, Overhaul, Beamdog or the Wizards of the Coast. It was developed by AUTHOR, based on material from the game Baldur's Gate II and its expansion.

All mod content is ©AUTHOR.

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal © TSR, Inc. The BioWare Infinity Engine is © BioWare Corp. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.

This mod was created to be freely enjoyed by all Baldur's Gate II players, and its content is free of rights. However, it should not be sold, published, compiled or redistributed in any form without the consent of the author.

Please note that any and all redistribution and/or hosting of this mod is prohibited without permission from the author.

If there are any copyright issues or this statement needs revision, then please contact me and advise me what to do about it. Most notably, if you see any artwork in this mod that might conflict with Copyright rules, please let me know as soon as possible, and I will remove the conflicting content immediately.

The modding community for the Infinity Engine has been going strong for more than 10 years now, and is the culmination of thousands of unpaid modding hours by fellow fans of the game. Modders produce their best work and players get the best, well-supported mods when we all work together.

There are two big ways to upset this harmony. One is to claim someone else's work as your own. The second is to host and redistribute a mod without permission from the author(s).

Be kind to your fellow players and modders. Don't do either.

Creative Commons License This work (including all code and documentation) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License. You are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and to remix (adapt) this work, except for commercial purposes. See the Creative Commons Public License for more details. Please post any changes or updates at the mod's forum.

All copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Planarspheremod > CreditsBACK TO TOP

Version History

Version 2.9  (Month day, 2023)
  • Corrections :
    • Typos in psmel.d
    • Typos in psq70.d
    • Typos in psdwarf.baf
    • Typos in pscut32.baf
    • Typos in pscut16.baf
    • Typos in psadv04.baf
    • Invalid ressource for psredwiz.baf
  • Additions :
    • InfinityAutoPackager thanks to AL|EN
    • Add metadata and label for Project Infinity
    • pswi423.spl (Monster summoning IV from spell revision)
    • ...........
    • ...........
  • Readme :
    • SHS readme template
    • style_shs.css
    • Add spells.doc to readme

Version 2.8  (February 14, 2023)
  • BWP and Corrections :
    • arpsq2.are Bwp fix
    • psbaatl.baf, pstanal.baf Bwp fix
    • psglobe1.baf, psglobe2.baf, psglobe3.baf, psglobe4.baf, psglobe6.baf Bwp fix
    • psadapp1.cre Bwp fix
    • pstest01.cre, pstest02.cre, pstest03.cre, pstest04.cre Bwp fix
    • pstutor6.d Bwp fix
    • pshelm02.itm, psmade12.itm Bwp fix
    • psstaf01.itm, psstaf02.itm Bwp fix
    • pssw1h02.itm Bwp fix
    • Missing Bwp fix for psglobe5.baf
    • Meaningful corrections from the mod Magestronghold
  • Additions :
    • APPEND ~Animate.ids~ ~0xE050 IC_LICHBLACK~ UNLESS ~0xE050 IC_LICHBLACK~
    • APPEND ~Animate.ids~ ~0x7f3a HULA_WIZARD~ UNLESS ~0x7f3a HULA_WIZARD~
    • PVRZ for AR0452
    • Add IconV / Handle Charset and language / autotra folders
    • Modified tp2 (slightly)
    • Add readme md
    • Russian translation
    • Missing traification from ArcaneCoast
    • Delete duplicate psmari1.baf
    • Delete backup
  • Corrections :
    • Correct Sorcery ability (pssorc.baf)
    • Correct bad ending for final battle (if you don't have the key), (psmelwin.d) and (pscut17.baf) modified
    • Correction for spcl668.spl
    • Removed class change to sorcerer
    • Removed effect applied to other npc (only the main one will be affected)
    • Correction for tp2 (Autotra for translation files)
    • Update Russian encoding in setup.tra (Thanks to Paladin84)
    • Using right files for translation (hopefully...)
    • Attempt to adapt item description for EE
    • Using GW_WRITE_EE_ITM_DESCRIPTIONS fonction from Freddy_Gwendo
    • Add gw_functions.tpa

    Version 2.6c
    • Bug with Key fixed YET AGAIN
    • Streamlined tp2 file courtesy of erebusant (it got messy with various people's fixes and erebusant also cleaned up some of my messes)

    Version 2.6b
    • Bug fixes implemented by Ieldra, Ikki, and ScuD (mostly to fix stuff that I couldn't manage to do before I went missing :p) -Duality

    Version 2.6 - Malbolgia
    • Spanish translation not included due to dialog changes in 2.5 and 2.6 (I do not know any Spanish)
    • Changed and fixed the rakshasa dialog
    • Made the shop in Waukeen's Promenade optional at install
    • Removed Dualitys Folder Information files from all folders ^_^
    • Edited this readme file and merged the changelog with it
    • Removed Teos' portrait (ugly thing that it was)
    • Fixed the Apprenti/Adventurers battle cutscene.
    • Added Planar Sphere Return Mod as optional install (not bugfixed, if any)
    • Changed and fixed Baatezu dialog
    • Changed Teos dialog
    • Changed Sorcerer dialog
    • Changed dream dialog

    Version 2.5 - Duality (
    • Re-named almost all the files.
    • Numerous mid-quest fixes. Some quests were tweaked.
    • Spelling errors fixed and dialog re-written. New dialogs were also added.
    • Dialog files combined. Creatures no longer have multiple dialog files (there is one exception to this.)
    • The forge now works. Also fixed a number of problems with the forge itself.
    • Most spells nerfed, some tweaked, some made to do what their description says they do.
    • Drops nerfed. The various encounters, especially the optional ones, no longer grant great hauls of high level loot.
    • There is a new encounter in the docks, in the bridge district and in the temple district.
    • A few items were added, some items were fixed.
    • A number of scenes re-worked. Party should not get stuck during cut scene anymore.
    • A new store added.
    • Two quests in the making.
    • Changed the way the forced encounter in the slums works.
    • The final area was fixed. The file used to be corrupt and when it DID work, there were large portions of the map that should have been moveable but weren't. This has all been fixed.
    • Lots of creatures scripts were changed.
    • Final battle now scales to the difficulty setting, as do the rewards.
    • Stupid globes in the government district have been re-worked slightly and are now killable.
    • Removed a large number of duplicate entries from setup.tra.

    Version 2.2 - Hlidskialf
    • Small bugfixes and script changes.
    • Spanish translation added. (Thanks much for the folks at ClanREO!)

    Version 2.1
    • Died stillborn, and to prevent confusion is omitted.

    Version 2.0 - Jack Archer (
    • Includes the massive text update

    Version 1.9 - Hlidskialf
    • Includes some minor bugfixes discovered after fixing the quest-breakers in the last version.

    Version 1.8 - Hlidskialf
    • Included a bugfix forgotten to include with v1.7. You should be able to complete the mod unhindered now.

    Version 1.7 - Hlidskialf
    • Updated code and a fixed encounter with the "mage".

    Planarspheremod > Version HistoryBACK TO TOP